1oz PKG


There are more than 30 varieties of parley, but the most common are curly-leaf and the more pungent Italian or flat-leaf parsley. The flat-leaf has more flavor than curly parsley and is preferred for cooking, while dried parsley has little flavor at all. In ancient times parsley wreaths were used to ward off drunkenness. Chewing parsley will help with bad breath from food odors such as garlic.


Season: available year-round

How to select: Choose bright green leaves that show no sign of wilting.

How to store: Rinse and wrap in a paper towel and then a plastic bag. Refrigerated it will last for a week. You can freeze parsley! Just clean, chop and let dry; then put in little baggies and seal.

How to prepare: The leaves are most commonly used, however the stalks are good for adding flavor to stocks.

Matches well with: chicken, eggplant, eggs, fish, game, lentils, mushrooms, mussels, pasta, peas, potatoes, poultry, rice, seafood, tomatoes, zucchini, lemon